Friday, April 22, 2011

New Journal

How many times have you been looking for something in your house and happened upon a book, opened it and found it to be the start of an old journal or diary from years ago?
Maybe it has only a few scribbled pages covered with emotional rantings, or maybe the while thing is almost packed full of deep personal and spiritual pleadings and rage filled cries?

Mine would start with something like...

"Well 13 and Ive done it again...
 What the heck happened today?"
 I want to die..."

And the end would look like...

"Why doesn't he love me for who I am?
 Tomorrow I'm not eating at all...
 Please Lord forgive me for hating myself and my Mother!"

And so on and so on.....

The thing is that no matter how many books I find started or completed they are all the same. I am complaining about the exact same issues from pre-teen to adult. Just change a few names and add several more and "AWAY WE GO!!!"
What a sad reality.

What I have come to know now is that the sun truly truly DOES NOT rise and set out of my ass! Its NOT all about me, and I have been just as awful to others as they have to me. I am a selfish person by nature, and so are others. So I can decide to be different and forgive, be kind, self-less, and have freedom from bondage (being self-shit)....and stop writing pages and books on "woe is me!"

I trust in God today...but not just the name "God" that so many throw around like the word "sorry" and "love", but the one true God and his son ~ Jesus Christ ~ who saved us....ME.

My journal today looks like gratitude, really looking at what I may have done to harm someone else during the day, and what I intend to do differently to make it right tomorrow.

 ~ Thank God for God ~


  1. Hey - are you stil out there, writing somewhere?? Wondering how you are. Just found your blog and love it! So where is you r life at these days?

  2. Hi Melody...I havent written in a very long time. I honestly have been craving it though. I have just been working way too much. Thank you for your comment because it is a reminder for me to get back to some things I love. Keep checking for a post, my goal is to start again this week. I hope your well and thanmks again

  3. Sometimes working for a living gets in the way of the living - and yet it is so important to - you know, eat and stuff. :)
    If it is something you love, make the time. Don't let any of your dreams die - God is very much involved in our dreams and desires and I believe He sets the desires in our hearts for the things He wants us to do. I'll check back - get at it, girl! :)
